
Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m an avid reader and beer enthusiast who opened up this little corner of the internet to keep track of my ongoing adventures in the worlds of beer and books.

Just about anything goes as far as the beer postings go. I’m generally game to drink nearly any style and try to seek out things that I find interesting. My usual brews may tend to skew local (I live not too far north of Boston, MA), but I’ll no doubt be drinking plenty of beers from out of state as well. I don’t trade or go out of my way to grab all the latest and greatest limited releases, but I still manage to find plenty of great beer to talk about.

As for the books, I am primarily a Sci-Fi guy though I do like to regularly mix things up in this department as well. This may not be the most prolific book blog you’ll come across, but I do try to maintain a fairly diverse reading list so hopefully I come across something you find interesting.

Cheers and happy reading!

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Grab a Growler of BBC’s Cabin Fever. I do not have cabin fever, I enjoy the severity of a harsh winter, however, the beer is worth drinking. Especially while reading. A habit I’m fond of.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. my husband loves beer, and I love books! I love the premise of your blog, so creative!

    Liked by 1 person

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