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Coming at you all with another Red IPA.  I was recently reacquainted with the style after a long run of stouts and just couldn’t stay away from them any longer.

Beer Name: Gangster Duck

Brewery: Radiant Pig Beer Company (New York, NY)

Style: Red IPA

ABV: 6.2%

Description: On their website, the brewers mentioned borrowing from a number of styles to create this tasty red with a style all its own that is bursting with hops and smooth malts.  The beer for this review was consumed about a month after the canning date.

Appearance: Partially see through reddish amber body with a thick, foamy light tan head up top.

Smell: Sweet and malty, with a subtle layer of piney hops.

Taste: Started out with smooth malts that were soon followed by a biting grapefruit and pine bitterness.  The finish combined crackery malts and a slight yeasty taste as the beer went on.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a moderate carbonation level.

Hype: None I guess.  All I knew about this when I bought the can was that I liked the name and style.

Overall: It was alright.  Not quite the flavor profile look for or expect in a Red IPA (I am admittedly very picky about this) so I was a bit disappointed in that regard.  Otherwise, I would say this was fine, but not something I’d pick up again.